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Angel Monguzzi

Partner/ Caddie Liaison

Hi there! My name is Angel Monguzzi and I am here to introduce you to 4caddies.com.

I was born in 1979 from a family of golfers in Cordoba, Argentina. Since I was little Golf was my passion.  I played as a junior in Argentina, then I came to play college golf in Alabama US with a scholarship.  After I graduated I became a professional player. I played for a few years but it was very competitive so I decided to start caddying for Vicente Fernandez on the Champions Tour. At first, I wanted to learn and have fun but today it’s my great way to make a leaving. After a few years of caddying for Vicente, I got to know most of the Champions Tour players and that’s how I caddy for Bruce Fleisher, Fred Couples, Nick Price, Roger Chapman etc. This has been a great experience and now I am caddying for Andres Romero on the PGA Tour and the European Tour.

This website would make it easier for professional players to get informed and updated on which caddies are available and their information. Caddies will get the benefit of being in this great website to offer their job to top players instead of traveling and waiting around in parking lots with lots of expenses and mis-communications.

Wish you all the best and always remember to show up, keep up and shut up!!!



Download My CV Angel Monguzzi

Golf Background


2016 - PRESENT



Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis quis, suscipit ac, libero. Praesent odio tellus, posuere sed, dictum sed, fermentum at, orci.Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatisEtiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis quis, suscipit ac, libero. Praesent odio tellus, posuere sed, dictum sed, fermentum at, orci.Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis . .


2012 - 2016

Run Golf Course

Run Golf Course

Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis quis, suscipit ac, libero. Praesent odio tellus, posuere sed, dictum sed, fermentum at, orci.Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatisEtiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis quis, suscipit ac, libero. Praesent odio tellus, posuere sed, dictum sed, fermentum at, orci.Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis . .


2016 - PRESENT



Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis quis, suscipit ac, libero. Praesent odio tellus, posuere sed, dictum sed, fermentum at, orci.Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatisEtiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis quis, suscipit ac, libero. Praesent odio tellus, posuere sed, dictum sed, fermentum at, orci.Etiam dictum. Nunc enim. Sed massa tellus, aliquam rhoncus, venenatis . .

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